Gold "Title Sponsor" $1,000 (1 available per show)
- Full page ad within our program
- Special mention during our announcements before all of our shows
- Listed on our website
- 8 tickets to be used however you wish
- Placement of company banner in the community theater during the full run of our show
- Lead placement on our "Thank You Sponsors" poster to be placed near entrance for duration of show w
- Space on "Sponsor Table" in gift shop to place flyers, business cards, etc. during all performances
- "Certificate of Thanks" to display at your business
Silver "Performance Sponsor" $300 (4 available per show)
- 1/2 page ad within our program
- Special mention during our announcements at beginning of sponsored performances
- Listed on our website
- 4 tickets to be used however you wish
- Placement of company banner in the community theater during sponsored performance
- Placement on our "Thank You Sponsors" poster placed near entrance for the duration of our show
- Space on "Sponsors Table in gift shop to place flyers, business cards, etc. during all performances
- "Certificate of Thanks" to display at your business
Bronze "Partner Package" $150 (unlimited)
- 1/4 page ad within our program
- 2 tickets to be used however you wish
- Listed on our website
- Placement on our "Thank You Sponsors" poster to be placed near the entrance for the duration of our show
- Space on "Sponsors Table" in gift shop to place flyers, business cards, etc. during all performances
- "Certificate of Thanks" to display at your business